Please note: exceptional closure of the Francois-Mitterrand site on Monday 10 March 2025
Shared Heritage

Bringing together a set of digital libraries created by the BnF, the Shared Heritage collection aims to bear witness to the connections between France and the rest of the world over time. The collection is regularly enriched thanks to new partners and opportunities and is a testimony to the diversity of the collections held by the BnF.
To date, seven libraries have been made available: Libraries of the Middle East, France-Brazil, France-China, France-Poland, France-South Asia, France-Vietnam, and France in the Americas. The France-Japan virtual exhibition may be added to the list as a forerunner of the collection.
Shared Heritage in numbers
7digital libraries
350scholarly articles
240associated scholars & curators
211,000visitors in 2023
Mapping the Shared Heritage collection
1. France-Poland
2. Libraries of the Middle East
3. France-Brazil
4. France-China
5. France-Vietnam
6. France in the Americas
7. France-South Asia
Shared Heritage has as its goal to digitally safeguard, disseminate and connect documentary sources from complementary collections located across the world. This initiative aims to foster national and international partnerships between libraries, cultural institutions, and research communities in order to create, curate and disseminate coherent digital collections while ensuring their long-term preservation.
The BnF works with numerous partners to set up digital libraries and share a French perspective on global history.
Each digital library focuses on the exchanges between France and a country or a geographic area, telling a story of diverse and rich exchanges and interactions resulting from these encounters. Divided into thematic categories, the content is introduced and contextualised by short articles penned by scholars and other specialists.
The websites of the Shared Heritage collection are supported by Gallica, the digital library of the BnF and its partners.
International projects with a wide scope require a collaborative approach. To enrich Shared Heritage, the BnF works alongside dozens of French and international institutions which provide support, expertise and documentary collections.
The BnF is keen to engage with new partners, whether institutions or individuals.
For the selection of documents and the writing of editorial articles, Shared Heritage has already benefited from the skills of international partners through the Résidence Culture programme. Collaboration with scholars, curators, and other experts guarantees the quality of the collection.
For more information on the collection and how to contribute, do not hesitate to contact us.
The preservation and widest dissemination of the documentary heritage with a universal value are at the heart of this ambitious and innovative project. Sponsorship is a key element to support the development of the collection.
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