Please note: all BnF sites close early at 3pm on Tuesday 24 and 31 December.
As a reminder, all BnF sites are closed on Wednesday 25 December and 1 January.
The Union Catalogue of France (CCFr)
Une vidéo pour tout savoir (ou presque) sur le CCFr en moins de 2 minutes.
The Union Catalogue of France (Catalogue Collectif de France – CCFr) can locate over 30 million printed and multimedia documents in France through a single interface for the BnF Catalogue général, the Système universitaire de documentation (SUDOC, University documentation catalog), the Base patrimoine, the main municipal catalogs, (Dijon, Limoges, Lyon etc.) and the specialized libraries of the Ville de Paris.
It also allows to research online manuscripts catalogs, including the Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques françaises (CGM), the Répertoire des manuscrits littéraires français du XXe siècle (PALME, Directory of 20th century literary manuscripts), the Catalogue Archives et manuscrits de la BnF (BAM, archive and manuscripts catalogue) and Calames, the online catalog of archives and manuscripts in French universities and research libraries.
The CCFr also catalogs French documentary resources: users can consult the Répertoire national des bibliothèques (National Directory of libraries) and documentary collections providing full information on libraries and documentation centers – over 5000 references – and their collections (3500 references).
Several research forms are offered and users are able to filter by catalog, and search both printed documents and manuscripts.
The “Actualités” tab (current news) offers fact sheets, a tutorial, and a newsletter registration form.