Valeria Fayad
Chargée de mission pour les relations internationales
Téléphone : 33(0) 1 53 79 88 23
Applications undergo a selection process. A call for applications is held yearly following a calendar set up by the French Ministry of Culture.
Applications for 2025 are closed.
You can however consult the application form below.
The programme is aimed at experienced professionals employed by foreign cultural institutions outside of France and whose projects are related to the collections and services, scientific work, cultural programs, management or development projects of the BnF.
Applicants must submit a concrete professional project based on knowledge and skills exchanges, the outcome of which can contribute to strengthening the relations between the BnF and their home institutions and countries of origin.
The BnF assesses applications along the main following criteria:
Visiting professionals are expected to cover their travel costs to and from France. Their home institutions may be able to offer support.
Applications undergo a strict selection process.
The cultural services of French embassies abroad receive the call for application issued by the Ministry of Culture and communicate it to relevant local institutions. Cultural services receive applications and conduct a first screening before forwarding eligible ones to the BnF.
The International Engagement Department of the BnF performs a contextual screening taking into account the relations between the BnF and the applicants’ home institutions and/or countries of origin. Applications are then shared with potential hosting directorates and departments. The latter base their judgement on their interests for the proposed projects and the availability of staff and skills to mentor the visiting professionals. All applications are then examined by a committee chaired by the Director for International Engagement.
After being endorsed by the BnF’s senior management, applications and their evaluations are forwarded to the Ministry of Culture which is in charge of the final selection decision.
Résidence culture allows international culture professionals to be hosted in France. The programme was set up by the ministry of culture in 2003 as a priori international cooperation action. It is operated by French public cultural institutions under the guidance of the ministry.
Its main objective is to promote exchanges between culture professionals while giving visiting professionals a first-hand experience of French working methods in the culture field. It also supports the creation and long-term maintenance of exchange networks between French and global public institutions.
Launched by the ministry of culture in 2022, Parcours de collections supports the hosting of international visiting professionals from the museum, library and historical monument sectors whose aim is to study and document the history and trajectory of objects held by French museums and other cultural institutions. International professionals with relevant expertise work closely with French professionals to develop a shared understanding of the history of these objects. Parcours de collections supports in priority, albeit not exclusively, professionals from Africa.
Ms Agnieszka FRANCZYK-CEGLA, Head Curator of the Rare Books Department, Ossolineum Library, Poland. (Parcours des collections)
Mr Malak Noshy Malak Faragallah, Inspector of Antiquities, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Egypt.
Ms Adina PATRICHE, Librarian, National ISBN-ISSN-CIP Center, National Library of Romania.
Ms Angeliki BAMNIOTI, Librarian in the Cataloguing Department, National Library of Greece.
Mr Alex BARADEL, Head of the Photographic Archives and Communication Department at the Pierre Verger Foundation, Brazil.
Mr Serhi DOTSENKO, Information Technology Director at the Yaroslav Mudryi National Library of Ukraine.
Fr. Luka EL MAKARY, librarian and system administrator at the Coptic Central Papal Library of the Coptic Orthodox Church, Egypt. (Parcours des collections)
Ms Jana FRANKOVA, researcher at the Music Department of the Moravian Library, Czech Republic.
Mr Grégory KUNZ, Senior Director of the Office of the Presidency and Institutional Affairs at the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, Canada.
Ms Kateryna LYSKOVA, Deputy Director of the V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine.
Mr Sisay Sahile BEYENE (Parcours des collections), assistant professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Gondar, Ethiopia.
Mr Watson FRANÇOIS, Head of the Children’s Section at the National Library of Haiti.
Ms Valeria LEONENKO, manuscript restorer at the National History Museum (NMHU) of Ukraine.
Mr Illiassou OUSSEINI MOUSSA, Head of the Audiovisual Department at the Research Institute in Human Sciences of the Abdou Moumouni University (IRSH), Niger.
Mr Thi Thanh Thuy TRUONG, librarian in charge of English, French and Vietnamese collections at the National Library of Vietnam.
Chargée de mission pour les relations internationales
Téléphone : 33(0) 1 53 79 88 23