2021 Conference: slides and recordings
Production of a refined handwriting recognition model with eScriptorium and evaluation of its performance
see video and slides |
Introduction to visual AI for cultural heritage
See video and slides |
Proactive environmental control of storage and exhibition areas for cultural heritage, first lessons learnt from implementing AI in practice
see video and slides |
Introduction to the Annif automated subject indexing tool
Designing a chatbot for libraries: example of a collaboration between an academic library and a research lab
By Cédric Mercier and Mathilde Véron, Paris-Saclay University
See slide show |
Virtual reality and building design: the case of Lumen
By Jeanne Vézien, research engeneer, CNRS, LIMSI, VENISE group, Paris-Saclay University
see slideshow |
Opening keynote: What can art do for artificial intelligence?
By Marion Carré, co-founder and President of Ask Mona
see video | ||||
Landscape of AI in GLAM |
Dealing with data issues for AI-supported Image Analysis in Cultural Heritage: concrete cases and challenges
By Antoine Isaac, R&D Manager at Europeana, Jean-Philippe Moreux, Gallica scientific advisor, National Library of France, José Eduardo Cejudo Grano de Oro, Machine Learning Engineer at Europeana, Emmanuelle Bermès, deputy director for services and networks, National Library of France
AI at scale |
Historical Newspaper Content Mining: Revisiting the impresso Project’s Challenges
By Maud Ehrmann, Research Scientist at the EPFL Digital Humanities Laboratory
see slideshow | ||||
OLR / OCR / HTR : Round table |
Assembling Legacy Data for AI: the Case of the Paris Bible Project
By David Joseph Wrisley, Associate Professor of Digital Humanities at NYU Abu Dhabi, Estelle Guéville, Assistant Researcher at Louvre Abu Dhabi
see slideshow | ||||
Manuscript processing in software environment using artificial intelligence
By Kata Ágnes Szûcs, digital humanist at the Centre for Digital Humanities at National Széchényi Library
see slideshow | ||||
Textual documents: Round table |
19th Century Registry Indexing and Artificial Intelligence: Proof of Concept RegistrIA
Par Caroline Méot, chargée de médiation et de valorisation numérique au Service historique de la Défense
see slideshow | ||||
Automatic transcription of 18th century texts using artificial intelligence
Par Cécile Robin, Archives départementales de la Côte-d’Or, Florian Fizaine, doctorant aux archives départementales de la Côte-d’Or et rattaché au laboratoire d’étude de l’apprentissage et du développement (LEAD), Michel Paindavoine, professeur émérite au laboratoire d’étude de l’apprentissage et du développement (LEAD)
see slideshow | ||||
NER4Archives (named entity recognition for archives) : semi-automatic methods and tools for named entities recognizing in XML/EAD encoded archival finding aids
Par Pauline Charbonnier, ingénieure d’études au Lab des Archives nationales
AI and Data Mining at the service of thematic access to library resources
Par Ronald Ganier, responsable des Pôles Édition et Innovation chez TECH ADVANTAGE-PROGILONE, Julien Colin, responsable contenu numérique et catalogueur à la Médiathèque départementale du Puy-de-Dôme
see slideshow | ||||
Discussion |
Creation of a French-speaking chapter in AI4LAM
Par Emmanuelle Bermès, adjointe chargée des questions scientifiques et techniques auprès du Directeur des services et des réseaux à la Bibliothèque nationale de France, Florence Clavaud, responsable du Lab des Archives nationales
General introduction Par Kévin Riffault, Directeur général de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, et Olivier Chourrot, Directeur général des services adjoint de l’Université Paris-Saclay
see video | ||||
Opening keynote: Artificial intelligence and/or cosmolocal studies?
By Yves Citton, professor in Literature and Media at the Université Paris 8
see video and slides | ||||
Presentation of projects |
Flyswot: garden-variety machine learning applications
By Daniel van Strien, Digital Curator at the British Library, Andrew Longworth, Digitisation Project Analyst at the British Library, and Catherine Cronin, The Heritage Made Digital Team at the British Library
Annotating datasets for computer vision to recognise architectural and artistic styles: lessons from
the V4Design project By Jolan Wuyts, Collections Editor at Europeana Collections Engagement team
see video | ||||
LectAuRep (Automatic reading of directories of Paris notaries) – National Archives-Inria-Scripta
Par Aurélia Rostaing, responsable du pôle instruments de recherche au département du Minutier central des notaires de Paris aux Archives nationales, Alix Chagué, Doctorante en Humanités Numériques au sein des équipes ALMAnaCH (Inria) et GREN (CRIHN / Université de Montréal)
see video and slides | ||||
The Pianolatron: Processing Thousands of Digitized Player Piano Rolls for Analysis and Interactive Playback
By Peter Broadwell, Digital Scholarship Research Developer at the Stanford University Libraries’ Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research
see video | ||||
Q&A session
see video | ||||
Legal and ethical issues |
AI & GLAM collections: legal & ethical challenges to sharing GLAMs collections
By Yaniv Benhamou, Professor in digital law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva, Sarah Kenderdine, Digital Museologist, EPFL
see video and slides | ||||
Organizational and institutional consequences |
AI in relation to GLAMS: an overview of the findings of the EuropeanaTech task force on AI
By Marloes Bontje, Historian and Project lead at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, Mirjam Cuper, Data scientist at the National Library of the Netherlands
see video | ||||
5 years of HTR experiments by the the French National Archives: feedback to the future usages
By Jean-François Moufflet, collection manager at the French Archives nationales
see video and slides | ||||
The beginning of the AI implementation in the Czech Republic in the context of the National Library
By Zdenko Vozar, Director of ICT for National Library of the Czech Republic
see video | ||||
How does artificial intelligence constitute an opportunity for INA to strengthen its missions of promoting and preserving audiovisual heritage?
Par Gautier Poupeau, architecte de données et administrateur général des données à l’Institut national de l’audiovisuel (INA)
see video and slides | ||||
Issues of AI in libraries: Round table |
Concluding discussion on AI challenges in libraries
By Laurence Engel, President of the National Library of France, Mike Keller, Vice Provost and University Librarian and Director at Stanford University, Aslak Sira Myhre, Director of the National Library of Norway
see video |
Some speakers could not attempt the conference, their projects have therefore been presenting during a community call of AI4LAM community. | |
I Trust AI… when archival theory leads the way
By Luciana Duranti, Full Professor at the University of British Columbia School of Information & Muhammad Abdul-Mageed, Canada Research Chair in Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning, The University of British Columbia; and Co-Director of the I Trust AI SSHRC Partnership
Maken: A User-oriented Discovery Service to Make Sense at Scale
By Jørgen Schyberg, Product at the National Library of Norway Maken’s website |
When did De Gaulle and Eishenower meet? Automatic Face Recognition in historical videos
By Pasquale Lisena, chercheur au département Data Science d’EURECOM
LITTE_BOT, un agent conversationnel : une dramaturgie pour dialoguer avec Dom Juan
Rocio Berenguer, artiste Par Anna Pappa, chercheuse en informatique au Laboratoire LIASD de l’Université Paris 8
Litté_Bot presentation |
The BnF Digital Roadmap
The BnF Digital Roadmap displays a panoramic and comprehensive view of the Library’s digital life, i.e. the notions, the projects and the digital tools that are used every day to fulfill its missions as well as the major axes that underpin its action in this area.
Artificial Intelligence : the BnF Roadmap
At the BnF, a wide variety of actors and tools are mobilized to manage constantly growing volumes of data and documents. The role of the AI Roadmap is to articulate the various projects and anticipating a future where technologies will gain in maturity, to guarantee the coherence of actions by pooling skills and technological bricks, and to foster experimentation and research.
Projet Litté_Bot
The Litté_Bot project is a collaborative digital device inspired by conversational agents (also called chatbots) to dialogue with literary works, characters or their author.
Did you know? It was also the subject of a presentation in April 2022 during an AI4LAM community meeting. |
See poster |
The Dalgocol project, led until 2022 by PHD student Alaa Zreik at the BnF, focuses on the use of AI-based prediction models to develop policies for the physical preservation of documents.
See poster |
Together, archive the future! The BnF archives the French web for heritage and research
Since December 2020, the National Library of France has been collecting, once a year, resources published on the web related to artificial intelligence. On the occasion of Fantastic Futures and for the first time in its history, the BnF invites the public to participate in the selection of websites that will be collected and archived, contributing thus to the constitution of the tomorrow’sheritage.
See poster |
NewsEye is a European research project. Its main goal is to develop methods and tools which facilitate the exploration and exploitation of digitized historical newspapers; this is done through the application of new technological techniques and ‘big data’ approaches, combining the ‘close’ and ‘distant reading’ methods of Digital Humanities.
See poster |
Snoop is a framework dedicated to large-scale content-based image retrieval. Co-developed by Ina and Inria, it is the visual search engine used by Pl@ntnet applications.
The GallicaSnoop project studies the application of Snoop to digitized cultural heritage collections.
See poster |
Replay the whole main conference (10 dec. 2021)
Download the program 2021
Program - Les futurs fantastiques - 2021
( EN - PDF - 2.97 MO )
( EN - PDF - 2.97 MO )
Speakers 2021

Find all information about the speakers of the conference here