Espace presse

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6 résultats

Exhibition Apocalypse. Yesterday and tomorrow – Press release – BnF

The Bibliothèque nationale de France is staging the first exhibition on the theme of the apocalypse. From the Middle Ages to the present day, the exhibition traces the imagination surrounding this concept through works including some of the most prestigious manuscripts of the Apocalypse of John, rarely seen fragments of the Angers Apocalypse tapestry, Dürer’s famous suite of engravings on the text, as well as numerous masterpieces, paintings, sculptures, photographs, installations, rare books and film extracts from the BnF collections and major public and private French and European collections (Centre Pompidou, musée d’Orsay, British Museum, etc.). Over 300 works in total by artists such as William Blake, Odilon Redon, Vassily Kandinsky, Ludwig Meidner, Natalia Goncharova, Otto Dix, Antonin Artaud, Unica Zürn, Kiki Smith, Tacita Dean, Miriam Cahn and Anne Imhof.
Download the press release (FR - PDF - 1.08 Mo)

Henri Cartier-Bresson. Le Grand Jeu

The BnF is set to introduce the French public to « Henri Cartier-Bresson. Le Grand Jeu » (Henri Cartier Bresson. The Great Game), a unique project centred on the photographer’s Master Collection. The exhibition is the fruit of an exceptional collaboration between the Bibliothèque nationale de France and Pinault Collection, with assistance from the Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson. Following a first airing last autumn at the Palazzo Grassi in Venice, it is to be presented in Paris, with a scenographic itinerary specially adapted to the BnF’s layout.
Download the press release (FR - PDF - 185.25 Ko)

Tolkien, Journey To Middle-earth

When J.R.R. Tolkien, a brilliant Oxford professor, published "The Hobbit" in 1937, he was far from imagining that his stories would lead to his becoming one of the most important literary figures of the 20th century. Revealing both the man himself and his works, the exhibition at the Bibliothèque nationale de France - the largest ever organised on the topic - will include close to 300 exceptional pieces spread out over 1 000 sq.m.
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The historic birthplace of the Bibliothèque nationale de France will be opening to all on 17 September 2022

On 17 September 2022, the Richelieu site, the historic birthplace of the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), will be opening fully after renovation and refurbishment work spanning more than a decade.
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Statement from Laurence Engel, president of the national library of France, in solidarity with the Ukrainian people

The entire staff of the National Library of France (Bibliothèque nationale de France -BnF) joins me in expressing its solidarity with the Ukrainian people and strongly condemns the Russian aggression on its territory. Europe knows only too well that war ends in a stalemate with the tragic and irreversible consequences that go along with it.
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Giuseppe Penone. Sap and thought

The Bibliothèque nationale de France is hosting the Italian artist Giuseppe Penone, a key figure in contemporary art, for his first major exhibition in Paris since 2013. Penone, whose work is a vital, poetic examination of humankind’s links with nature, has created Pensieri e linfa (Sap and Thought) specially for the occasion, a spectacular installation based on the imprint of a tree trunk, on either side of which the artist has added a text in his own hand.
Download the press release (FR - PDF - 105.65 Ko)