Order a reproduction for non-commercial use
How to order a reproduction
For documents unavailable for on-line purchase, not mentioned in the general catalogue, or which you cannot identify precisely, you have to use the estimate request form*in priority.
Lastly, for Retronews (the BnF’s Press Site), any request for reproduction or commercial use must be directly addressed to reproduction@bnf.fr.
To finalise the order, you must create an account in the BnF personal area. Once the order has been paid for, the desired product will be manufactured, subject to authorisation by the Department of Collections concerned. In the “Mes achats” (“My purchases”) section of the personal area, you can track the progress of your order, access your invoices and download reproductions ordered in digital form.
Payment methods
Credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Eurocard only), bank cheque orbank transfer.
Priority service
This service allows urgent requests to be processed within negotiated time frames for a 100% surcharge.
Students under 35 receive a 50% discount on presentation of their student card.
- Digital products are available for download for 15 days in the customer’s personal area.
- Photocopies are sent at the current La Poste parcel fee or, if stated by the customer, by private courier. Digital products may be sent on CD under the same conditions.
- Art reproductions (art prints) are sent free of charge.
Please note:
The minimum order value is €3 excluding VAT.
Products are delivered online or dispatched as soon as they have been manufactured. This means that an order comprising different products can be delivered online or dispatched in instalments, with no additional shipping costs.
* The request must specifically mention the references of the document to be reproduced. The BnF catalogues can be used to search for document references. The SINDBAD remote response service provides assistance in finding document references.
for more information
Any request to reproduce a document that is still protected by copyright must be authorised in advance by the author, their successors in title, or the company representing them. The request for authorisation is the responsibility of the customer ordering the reproduction. The BnF provides a Guide to finding rights holders for this purpose.
Guide to searching for copyright holders (PDF file) in French
Reproduction products and fees
The fees below are for document reproduction only. In the event of commercial use of the documents reproduced, an additional fee will be charged.
See also
Order a reproduction with a commercial use
Text document
Printed text, handwritten text, press, music score, etc.
For reading use
Product | Fee excluding taxes in euro | Format | Product details | Indicative delivery times |
Digitised text per page (PDF)
€0.70/page |
Digitised text pages in colour or black and white, depending on technical possibilities
1 to 3 weeks depending on document availability and number of pages ordered |
Full digitised text (PDF) with the exception of press and periodicals billed on a price-per-page basis(2) |
€45 per volume Up to 5,000 pages or 10 complete texts
Digitised full text in colour or black and white, depending on technical possibilities
2 to 3 weeks depending on document availability and number of pages ordered |
Full digitised handwritten text (PDF)
€110 per volume
Up to 5,000 pages or 10 complete texts |
Digitised full manuscript text in colour or black and white, depending on technical possibilities
2 to 4 weeks depending on document availability and number of pages of the manuscript ordered |
(2) For press and periodicals, an order of 300 pages or more, as part of a non-commercial project, may be subject to special consideration and negotiated pricing. This arrangement is also possible for an order for photocopies.
Product | Fee excluding taxes in euro | Format | Product details | Indicative delivery times |
Black and white photocopy
€0.70/page |
A4 or A3
Text printed in black and white on plain A4 or A3 paper depending on the size of the original document
1 to 3 weeks depending on document availability and number of pages ordered |
Image document
Photograph, print, illumination, illustration, map, object, etc.
For illustration or publishing use
Product | Fee excluding taxes in euro | Format | Product details | Indicative delivery times |
High definition image using the original
€25 (2) |
Jpeg format (or TIFF format on request) up to 24 million pixels or 72 MB
Digitised image in colour
1 to 3 weeks |
PREMIUM image using the original
€50 (2)
Jpeg format (or TIFF format on request) up to 120 million pixels or 360 MB (for more than 360 MB, please contact us)
Digitised image in colour
1 to 3 weeks |
Jpeg format (or TIFF format on request). Resolution depending on the work required
Shooting of objects and special work (ultraviolet, infrared, etc.)
Depending on the work required |
Product | Fee excluding taxes in euro | Format | Product details | Indicative delivery times |
High definition image already digitised
€7 |
Jpeg up to 24 million pixels or 72 MB
Image available in colour (due to technical constraints, some images can only be offered in greyscale)
Immediate through online sales. From 24 hours to 1 week outside online sales, depending on the processing to be carried out on the archive. |
PREMIUM image already digitised
Jpeg up to 120 million pixels or 360 MB (for more than 360 MB, please contact us)
Image available in colour (due to technical constraints, some images can only be offered in greyscale)
Immediate through online sales. From 24 hours to 1 week outside online sales, depending on the processing to be carried out on the archive. |
(2) As part of a non-commercial or academic project, an order of 30 images or more from the original may be subject to special consideration and negotiated pricing. This arrangement is also possible for orders for art prints.
Product | Fee excluding taxes in euro | Format | Product details | Indicative delivery times |
Art prints
€19 €29 €49 €69 €99 |
A3 A2 A1 A0 |
High-quality colour print with white margin on matt paper – or glossy paper on request (due to technical constraints, some prints can only be produced in greyscale)
1 to 2 weeks from a digital archive. 1 to 4 weeks from an original document. |
Sound documents
Recordings on disc, magnetic tape, etc.
Standard works consist of basic linear processing (automatic filtering and declicking), or a “straight” copy without any processing (on request).
Product | Fee excluding taxes in euro | format | Product details | Indicative delivery time |
sound file from 78 rpm disc
€40 | wav or compressed format on request | 16 bits – 44,1 kHz | 2 to 3 weeks |
sound file from 45 rpm disc
€35 | wav or compressed format on request | 16 bits – 44,1 kHz | 2 to 3 weeks |
sound file from 33 rpm disc
€70 | wav or compressed format on request | 16 bits – 44,1 kHz | 2 to 3 weeks |
sound file from an audio CD
€60 | wav or compressed format on request | 16 bits – 44,1 kHz | 2 to 3 weeks |
sound file from an audio cassette
€55 | wav or compressed format on request | 16 bits – 44,1 kHz | 2 to 3 weeks |
sound file from other media / special works
on quotation | wav or compressed format on request | 16 bits – 44,1 kHz | Depending on the work required |
Product | Fee excluding taxes in euro | Format | Product details | Indicative delivery time |
sound file, by dematerialised media
€20 | wav or compressed format on request | 16 bits – 44,1 kHz | 1 to 2 weeks |
Video document
The BnF does not provide viewing links. Prices correspond to the supply of an entire work. In the event of a request for an extract, the quotation will be drawn up on the basis of special work.
Product | Fee excluding taxes in euro | Format | Product details | Indicative delivery times |
Consultation file
€50 - Original media: Optical (DVD, Blu-Ray)
€100 - Original media: Analogue (VHS, U-Matic, BVU, Betacam SP and Digital Betacam, DV, mini-DV, DVCAM, HDCAM, HDV, Hi8, Video8) |
MP4 |
SD delivery (automatic if source signal in SD) Flow type: VBR |
2 to 3 weeks |
Professional-quality file
€80 - Original media: Optical (DVD, Blu-Ray)
€140 - Original media: Analogue (VHS, U-Matic, BVU, Betacam SP and Digital Betacam, DV, mini-DV, DVCAM, HDCAM, HDV, Hi8, Video8) |
SD delivery (automatic if source signal in SD) |
2 to 3 weeks |
Special work
Please contact us |
Product | Fee excluding taxes in euro | Format | Product details | Indicative delivery times |
Consultation file
€20 |
SD delivery (automatic if source signal in SD) |
1 to 2 weeks |
Professional-quality file
SD delivery (automatic if source signal in SD) |
1 to 2 weeks |
Web archives
The internet site files that have been collected by the BnF pursuant to Legal Internet Deposit (structure, texts, illustration and any other component) are made available for users. For all requests to reproduce a website, the Department of Digital Services and Images must be provided with authorisation to do so from the site’s producer. The provision of services includes the extraction from the BnF’s servers of all the files from the site collected, their copying, compression and transfer by FTP.
Product | Fee excluding taxes in euro | Format | Product details | Indicative delivery times |
Website files
From 1 to 1,000 files, per website: €10
From 1,001 to 10,000 files, per website: €25 More than 10,000 files, per website: €50 |
Set of directories and files of different types
Example of extraction:
1 to 2 weeks |
Capture d’écran
Screenshot of a website
1 to 2 weeks |
Surcharge and discount
Type of work requested | Surcharge |
Urgent work
100% |
Discount | |
For students under 35 on presentation of valid student card.
25% |