Room B – Press and Media
The room offers free access to about 400 political press and general information print titles. All continents are represented, with special emphasis on Europe and French-speaking countries.
Salle presse et Médias © Béatrice Lucchese / BnF
Some professional press titles (La Correspondance de la Presse, Le Bulletin quotidien, etc.) and books on press and journalism complete the offer.
Academic and professional press on journalism and press
Magazines, repertoires, dictionaries
Books on journalistic practice and learning, journalistic techniques, debates and issues about the journalistic profession, documents for the preparation of journalism schools’ entrance exams.
Press photography, press illustration
Documents on photojournalism festivals, photographic reporting, war reporting, monographs on famous photographers, collections of press illustrations by subject and by press cartoonist, drawn reports.
Freedom of the press
The complete history of the press in France
Press in the world
State of the press in the world, freedom of the press in the world, history of the press in various geographical areas in the world
General Informations
Collection of reference documents (French and language dictionaries, repertoires, atlases etc.)
Services Offered
- Help with documentary research, paper and electronic collections regarding the study of press and media
- A lounge room for magazine reading
- Access to INA resources with a selection of archives on the study of the press, 11 French and international TV information channels, 5 radio information channels which may be consulted over a rolling 100 day period.
- Press and media portal on the room’s current news and news about journalism
- Access to PressReader, a digital press newsstand
- Access to the main press bases: Factiva, Europresse, Generalis Indexpresse
- Access to online journals: Mediapart, Arrêt sur Images
- News presentation and thematic exhibitions on the press
- Thematic bibliographies on the press
Noteworthy Collections
- Photo reporting catalogs
- Drawn reporting albums, comics journalism and press-related graphic novels
- Music media reviews
- Selection of books for the preparation of schools of journalism exams