• Sciences /
  • Futurs fantastiques

Proactive environmental control of storage and exhibition areas for cultural heritage, first lessons learnt from implementing AI

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Proactive environmental control of storage and exhibition areas for cultural heritage, first lessons learnt from implementing AI in practice BnF

Explorer cette thématique : Sciences

10 déc. 2021

The Pianolatron: Processing Thousands of Digitized Player Piano Rolls for Analysis and Interactive Playback

10 déc. 2021

Discussion conclusive autour des enjeux de l’IA en bibliothèque - Conclusion panel: libraries facing the AI challenge

Explorer cette thématique : Futurs fantastiques

10 déc. 2021

Discussion conclusive autour des enjeux de l’IA en bibliothèque - Conclusion panel: libraries facing the AI challenge

10 déc. 2021

Enjeux juridiques et éthiques / AI & GLAM collections: legal & ethical challenges to sharing GLAMs collections

10 déc. 2021

The Pianolatron: Processing Thousands of Digitized Player Piano Rolls for Analysis and Interactive Playback